Saturday, 1 October 2011

Consumer's Gaurantees Act

Under the Act, your consumer rights are expressed as a series of "guarantees" that a seller automatically makes to you when you buy any good or service ordinarily purchased for personal use. We explain them below.


Retailers and other such suppliers guarantee their goods will:
  • Be of acceptable quality (see definition below).
  • Be fit for a particular purpose that you asked about.
  • Match the description given in advertisements or sales brochures, or by the sales assistant.
  • Match the sample or demonstration model.
  • Be owned by the consumer, once purchased.
  • Be a reasonable price, if no price or pricing formula has been previously agreed.
Manufacturers (the definition includes importers) in New Zealand guarantee that:
  • Spare parts and repair facilities will be available for a reasonable time.
  • They will honour any written warranty that comes with their products.
  • Goods are of acceptable quality.
  • Goods match their description.
  • Services

    Service providers guarantee their services will be:
    • Performed with reasonable care and skill.
    • Fit for the particular purpose they were supplied for.
    • Completed within a reasonable time.
    • A reasonable price, if no price or pricing formula has been previously agreed.

    Acceptable quality

    This means goods:
    • Do what they are made to do.
    • Are acceptable in appearance and finish.
    • Are free from minor defects.
    • Are safe and durable.
    The Act's terms "reasonable" and "acceptable" are deliberately open-ended. It depends on what a reasonable consumer would think was acceptable based on the nature of the goods, the price, and any statements that have been made about the goods. A concert violin is required to meet a higher standard than a child's cheap instrument. Ultimately a tribunal referee or a judge may have to decide what is reasonable or acceptable in the circumstances.
    If a defect was pointed out to you before you bought the good, then it doesn't count towards making it unacceptable.

1 comment:

  1. Very good work. Sorry for the delay in reading this blogg.
